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Parsley is a classic and versatile herb cherished for its fresh and vibrant flavor, as well as its use as a decorative garnish. This cool-season herb produces curly or flat leaves that are used as a flavorful addition to numerous dishes, including soups, stews, sauces, salads, and meat dishes. Parsley is perfect for adding a bright and herbaceous taste to meals, enhancing the flavor and visual appeal of culinary creations. It is also rich in vitamins, particularly vitamin K, and provides essential nutrients to support overall health. As a popular and widely used herb, Parsley is a valued and essential addition to any herb garden, bringing a touch of freshness and flavor to a variety of recipes.

Kind :           petroselinum crispum

  Season :       spring to fall

Maturity :     60 days

  Plant size :     30 to 35 cm tall

Shape :           curly or flat leaves and small yellow-green flowers in umbles

  Color :           green

  Suggested spacing :   20 to 30 cm between rows