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Butternut Squash

Butternut Squash

The Butternut Squash, with its creamy texture and sweet taste, is a beloved and versatile winter squash that adds warmth and flavor to a wide range of dishes. This warm-season crop produces oblong fruits with a tan-colored, smooth skin and a vibrant orange flesh. Butternut Squash is perfect for roasting, baking, pureeing into soups, or using as a filling for savory or sweet dishes. Its natural sweetness makes it a popular choice for desserts and even baby food. As a nutritious and comforting vegetable, the Butternut Squash is a valuable addition to any kitchen, providing a taste of autumn all year round.

Kind :           cucurbita moschata

  Season :       fall to winter

Maturity :     80 to 100 days

  Plant size :     25 to 40 cm tall

Shape :           pear-shaped or bell-shaped

  Color :           yellow skin & orange flesh

  Suggested spacing :   1.2 to 1.8 meters between plants in rows