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White Onion

White Onion

The White Onion, with its ivory-white skin and milder taste, offers a delightful contrast to its red and yellow counterparts. This cool-season crop thrives in fertile, well-draining soil and full sun, producing crisp and pungent bulbs that are perfect for a wide range of culinary applications. White Onions are commonly used in dishes where a milder flavor is desired, such as in salads, salsas, and raw preparations. They can also be cooked or caramelized to enhance their sweetness and provide a savory base to various recipes. Rich in antioxidants and other essential nutrients, White Onions contribute to a healthy and balanced diet. With their versatile and less assertive flavor, White Onions are a valuable addition to any kitchen and garden, ensuring a steady supply of fresh and flavorful alliums throughout the growing season.

Kind :           allium cepa

  Season :       late summer to fall

Maturity :     90 to 150 days

  Plant size :     4 to 5 cm tall

Shape :           round or elongated bulbs

  Color :           white skin

  Suggested spacing :   10 to 15 cm between seeds