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Yellow Watermelon

Yellow Watermelon

The Yellow Watermelon is a unique and refreshing variety cherished for its vibrant yellow flesh and sweet, tropical taste. This warm-season crop produces large, oval-shaped fruits with a pale green rind and a bright yellow, crisp flesh. Yellow Watermelons are perfect for slicing and enjoying fresh, adding a sunny twist to traditional watermelon dishes. Their tropical and sweet flavor makes them a delightful and nutritious addition to fruit salads, smoothies, and beverages. With its eye-catching appearance and luscious taste, the Yellow Watermelon is a cherished and exotic addition to any garden, transporting taste buds to a sunny paradise.

Kind :           citrullus lanatus

  Season :       summer

Maturity :     80 to 90 days

  Plant size :     vining, about 2 to 3 m long

Shape :           round to oval

  Color :           green striped rind

  Suggested spacing :   90 to 120 cm between plants in rows