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Crimson Sweet Watermelon

Crimson Sweet Watermelon

The Crimson Sweet Watermelon is a beloved and versatile variety cherished for its large size, sweet flavor, and excellent texture. This warm-season crop produces oblong to oval fruits with a dark green rind and a juicy, bright red flesh. Crimson Sweet Watermelons are perfect for slicing and enjoying fresh, making refreshing beverages, or using in fruit salads and desserts. Known for their mouthwatering sweetness and juiciness, they are a favorite choice for hot summer days. As a popular and classic watermelon variety, the Crimson Sweet Watermelon is a valuable and rewarding addition to any garden, bringing the taste of summer to the table with every bite.

Kind :           citrullus lanatus

  Season :       summer

Maturity :     80 days

  Plant size :     vining, up to 2 m long

Shape :           round to oval

  Color :           light green with dark green striped rind

  Suggested spacing :   1 to 1,5 m between plants in rows