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White Radish

White Radish

The White Radish, also known as Daikon Radish, is a versatile and mild-flavored root vegetable cherished for its crisp texture and delicate taste. This cool-season crop produces elongated roots with a smooth, white skin and a refreshing white flesh. White Radishes are commonly used in various Asian cuisines, where they are pickled, added to soups, or used as a crunchy and nutritious addition to salads and stir-fries. They are an excellent source of vitamin C and other essential nutrients, contributing to overall well-being. Gardeners will appreciate the fast growth and easy cultivation of White Radishes, making them a reliable and rewarding addition to any vegetable garden.

Kind :           raphanus sativus var. longipinnatus

  Season :       fall & winter

Maturity :     50 to 70 days

  Plant size :     30 to 45 cm tall

Shape :           long, cylindrical, taoering root

  Color :           white or light green near the leaves

  Suggested spacing :   10 to 15 cm between seeds