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Persian Herb

Persian Herb

The Persian Herb mix is a delightful combination of aromatic herbs that hail from the Middle East, adding an exotic touch to any garden and culinary experience. This herb mix typically includes a blend of flavors such as mint, parsley, cilantro, dill, and more, reflecting the rich and diverse culinary traditions of Persia. Each herb in the mix offers a unique taste and fragrance, making it an excellent choice for adding complexity to dishes, teas, and dressings. As a cool-season crop, the Persian Herb mix is best sown in early spring or late summer. Gardeners will appreciate the versatility of these herbs, whether used fresh, dried, or even frozen for future use. Their distinct flavors and fragrance will transport the senses to distant lands and enrich culinary creations with an authentic Persian touch.

Kind :           allium ampeloprasum

  Season :       summer to fall

Maturity :     90-120 days

  Plant size :     30 to 60 cm tall

Shape :           long and slender leaves leading to a white small onion

  Color :           green leaves & white bulb

  Suggested spacing :   15 cm between rows