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Garden Leek

Garden Leek

The Garden Leek, a member of the onion family, offers a unique and delightful flavor that sets it apart from its relatives. With its slender, elongated stem and mild onion taste, the Garden Leek is an excellent addition to soups, stews, and various dishes. Leeks are biennial plants, but they are typically grown as annuals for their tender, succulent stems. As a cool-season crop, they are best sown in early spring or late summer for a fall harvest. Leeks are known for their hardiness and ability to withstand frost, making them an attractive choice for winter gardening. Additionally, they contribute to the garden ecosystem by attracting beneficial insects and pollinators. Gardeners seeking to expand their culinary horizons and enjoy a unique onion flavor will find the Garden Leek a delightful and versatile addition to their garden.

Kind :           alliumporrum

  Season :       spring to fall

Maturity :     80-120 days

  Plant size :     30 to 60 cm tall

Shape :          long and narrow leaves with cylindical white shaft at the base

  Color :           green leaves & white shaft

  Suggested spacing :   15 cm between rows