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Vinca is a common name for Vinca, a genus of flowering plants in the apocynaceae family that are native to Europe, Africa, and Asia. Vinca has star-shaped flowers that are usually purple, blue, pink, or white and have five petals. Vinca is a low-growing plant that can be grown as an annual or a perennial, depending on the climate. Vinca can be grown from seed or cuttings and prefers well-drained soil and full or partial sun. Vinca should be watered moderately and fertilized occasionally to promote blooming. Vinca is attractive to butterflies and bees, and can be used as a ground cover, a border, or a container plant. Vinca is also known for its medicinal properties, such as wound healing, anti-inflammatory, and anticancer effects

  Season :                           spring

  Growth period :             annual

    Height :                           45-55cm

  Shape :                           Medium, semi erect

  Planting distance :       25-35cm