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Purple Top Turnip

Purple Top Turnip

The Purple Top Turnip is a classic and hearty root vegetable known for its distinct purple skin and tender white flesh. This cool-season crop is easy to grow and thrives in fertile, well-draining soil and full sun. The turnip's mild and earthy flavor makes it a versatile choice for culinary creations, whether roasted, boiled, mashed, or added to soups and stews. Additionally, turnip greens are edible and can be harvested for a nutritious and flavorful addition to salads or sautés. Gardeners seeking to add a nutritious and flavorful root vegetable to their garden will find the Purple Top Turnip a reliable and rewarding choice.

Kind :           brassica rapa

  Season :       spring to fall

Maturity :     40 to 60 days

  Plant size :     25 to 40 cm tall

Shape :           round to slightly flattened

  Color :           purple on the upper part of the root, white on the lower part

  Suggested spacing :   5 to 10 cm between rows