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Portulaca is a genus of succulent plants in the Portulacaceae family, with over 100 species, found in the tropics and warm temperate regions. Portulacas are also known as purslanes or moss roses, and some species are cultivated as ornamental plants or edible weeds. Portulacas have a trailing or spreading habit, with fleshy, cylindrical or flat leaves and small, colorful flowers. The flowers are usually pink, red, yellow, orange, white, or purple, and have five petals and numerous yellow stamens. The flowers open only in bright sunlight and close at night or on cloudy days. The fruits are small, dry capsules that contain many tiny, black seeds. Portulacas are heat and drought tolerant, and can grow in poor, sandy, or rocky soils. They are attractive to bees and butterflies, and can be used as ground covers, bedding plants, or in containers and hanging baskets.

  Season :                           spring

  Growth period :             annual

    Height :                           15cm

  Shape :                         Somewhat cascading

  Planting distance :       20-25cm