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Pincushion flower is a common name for several species of flowering plants in the genus Scabiosa, in the family Caprifoliaceae. They are native to Europe and Asia, but have been widely cultivated and hybridized in other regions. They are also known as scabious or scabiosa. They have round, button-like flowers with many petals and prominent stamens, resembling pincushions. The flowers come in various colors, such as blue, purple, pink, and white. Pincushion flower is a perennial or annual plant that blooms from spring to fall and attracts butterflies and bees. Pincushion flower grows best in full sun, well-drained soil, and moderate water. It also needs regular deadheading to encourage more blooms.

  Season :                           spring

  Growth period :             perennial

    Height :                           45-55cm

  Shape :                           Medium, Spreading

  Planting distance :       35cm