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Persian Melon

Persian Melon

The Persian Melon, also known as the Hami Melon, is an ancient and treasured melon variety originating from Central Asia. This warm-season crop produces large, oval-shaped fruits with a smooth rind and crisp, juicy flesh. With a sweet and refreshing taste, Persian Melons are a culinary delight, perfect for slicing and enjoying fresh, adding to fruit salads, or blending into smoothies. As a heat-loving melon, the Persian Melon requires full sun and fertile, well-draining soil to thrive. Its long growing season rewards patient gardeners with succulent and flavorful melons, making it worth the wait. The Persian Melon's unique flavor and historical significance make it a valuable and culturally significant addition to any garden.

Kind :           cucumis melo var reticulatus

  Season :       summer to fall

Maturity :     75 to 85 days

  Plant size :     vining plant with 10 to 15 cm long stems

Shape :           elongated and smooth fruits with yellow banded skin

  Color :           orange flesh and golden yellow to green rind

  Suggested spacing :   18 to 24 cm between rows, 10 to 12 cm between seeds