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Mirabilis jalapa

Mirabilis jalapa

Mirabilis jalapa is a flowering plant in the family Nyctaginaceae, native to South America. It is also known as four o’clock flower, marvel of Peru, or garden jalap. It has oval, green leaves and trumpet-shaped flowers with five petals and a spur. The flowers come in various colors, such as pink, red, yellow, white, or bi-colored. Mirabilis jalapa is a perennial or annual plant that grows best in full sun, moist but well-drained soil, and warm conditions. It blooms from summer to fall and has a sweet fragrance. The flowers open in the late afternoon and close in the morning. Mirabilis jalapa is toxic to people and pets if ingested.

  Season :                           spring

  Growth period :             annual

    Height :                           30-45cm

  Shape :                           Medium, Upright

  Planting distance :       30-35cm