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Leucanthemum is a genus of flowering plants in the aster family (Asteraceae) that is mainly distributed in southern and central Europe. They are also known as margerites or daisies and are popular as ornamental plants. Leucanthemum species are perennial plants that grow from red-tipped rhizomes and produce erect stems with fiederschnittig leaves. The most distinctive feature of Leucanthemum is the large white flower head with a yellow center, which consists of many zungenblüten (ray florets) and röhrenblüten (disc florets). Leucanthemum flowers attract many pollinators such as bees, butterflies, moths and birds, and some species are also used as food plants by caterpillars. Leucanthemum plants prefer a sunny location and can tolerate various types of soil. They bloom from May to August and can be propagated by division, cuttings or seeds.

  Season :                           spring

  Growth period :             perennial

    Height :                           100-120cm

  Shape :                             tall, Upright

  Planting distance :       35-40cm