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German Queen Tomato

German Queen Tomato

The German Queen Tomato is a classic and heirloom variety cherished for its large, beefsteak-like fruits and outstanding flavor. This warm-season crop produces substantial, slightly flattened tomatoes with a deep pink or reddish hue. German Queen Tomatoes are perfect for slicing into sandwiches, salads, or enjoying fresh with a sprinkle of salt and pepper. Known for their rich and sweet taste, they are a favorite choice for canning, sauces, and other culinary applications. Gardeners seeking to savor the taste of a traditional and time-tested tomato variety will find the German Queen a rewarding and flavorful addition to their garden.

Kind :           solanum lycopersicum

  Season :       summer

Maturity :     80 days

  Plant size :     intermediate with vines up to 1,8 meter long

Shape :           round, slightly, flattened with thick flesh and small seed cavities

  Color :           red or pink

  Suggested spacing :   60 to 90 cm between plants in rows