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Sweet Corn is the epitome of summer enjoyment, offering plump, juicy kernels bursting with sweetness. This warm- season crop is a staple in many gardens, with its tall stalks producing multiple ears per plant. Harvested at the peak of ripeness, sweet corn promises a taste experience that cannot be matched by store-bought alternatives. Gardeners can choose from various cultivars, ranging from classic yellow varieties to those with bi-colored kernels. When preparing sweet corn, it is essential to consume it as soon as possible after harvest to savor its natural sweetness fully. Whether grilled, boiled, or roasted, the sweet, buttery taste of freshly picked sweet corn is a true highlight of the summer season and a reward for dedicated gardeners.

Kind :           zea mays convar saccharata

  Season :       summer to fall

Maturity :     60-100 days

  Plant size :   15-25 cm tall

Shape :           long, cylindrical and cob-like ears with rows of kernels

  Color :           yellow

  Suggested spacing :   15 to 30 cm between plants, 90 to 120 cm between rows