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Chinese Eggplant

Chinese Eggplant

With its slender and elongated shape, the Chinese Eggplant offers a unique appearance and delectable flavor that sets it apart from traditional eggplant varieties. These glossy, dark purple fruits have a tender texture and a subtly sweet taste, making them perfect for stir-fries, curries, and other Asian-inspired dishes. Additionally, Chinese Eggplants are less bitter and have fewer seeds than their larger counterparts, enhancing their culinary appeal. This warm-season crop requires full sun and fertile, well-draining soil for optimal growth. Gardeners will appreciate the compact size of the Chinese Eggplant plant, which makes it suitable for container gardening or raised beds.

Kind :           solanum

  Season :       summer

Maturity :     60-80 days

  Plant size :     60 to 90 cm tall with bushy stems and large leaves

Shape :           long ,slender, curved, straight

  Color :           purple