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Antirrhinum majus

Antirrhinum majus

Antirrhinum majus is a species of flowering plant in the Plantaginaceae family, commonly known as snapdragon or lion’s mouth. It is native to the Mediterranean region, but has been widely cultivated and naturalized in other parts of the world. Antirrhinum majus is an annual or biennial plant that grows to 0.5-1 m tall, with opposite, lanceolate leaves and spike-like inflorescences of tubular, two-lipped flowers. The flowers are usually pink, red, yellow, or white, and have a characteristic shape that resembles a dragon’s mouth when squeezed. The flowers open in the evening and are pollinated by insects, especially bees and moths. The fruits are capsules that contain many small, black seeds. Antirrhinum majus has several subspecies that differ in their distribution, morphology, and chromosome number. Antirrhinum majus is a popular ornamental plant for borders, containers, and cut flowers, and has been bred to produce many varieties with different colors, shapes, and sizes of flowers.

  Season :                           spring

  Growth period :             annual

    Height :                           50-60cm

  Shape :                           medium, Upright

  Planting distance :       25-30cm